Sunday, December 16, 2007

Eric's Last Day of Freedom

With less than a week to go before Eric & Christine get hitched, a bunch of the boys got together last week to celebrate "Eric's Last Day of Freedom."

So without further ado, here are a few select highlights of the night: (Warning: some of the following content is NSFW!)

First up, a picture gallery that chronicles some of the events of the evening are available with a click of the pic:

Secondly, we've got Eric serenading a Speakers Corner booth with his own personal mashup/remix of a couple of his favorite songs:

Next Up, is Eric playing a game of "Pin the Pasties on the Showgirl":

Next we also have Edmond playing "Pin the Pasties on the Showgirl" or in his case "Find the Pasties on the Floor":

Finally, Carmen shows those two chumps how to properly pin pasties on a showgirl (with a little inadvertant help from some of the boys):

So there you have it! After this Saturday, Eric will always be able to look back at this as the good old days :)

Congratulations and best of luck to the future bride and groom, you'll need it!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's That? Even MORE Free Stuff!

Found these on my doorstep today, 10 identical sets of pins from Disney Pixar. Strange thing? I never ordered them. Tried looking for a number to let them know of their screw up, but can't find one yet. I'm still waiting on something else I ordered from them and expected that to come today, but not these, although this is pretty cool.

Maybe it's just good karma because I'm such a big Pixar fan?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Snow Snow Go Away, Come Again Another Day

As soon as I pipe up about the rain it snows (see previous post below). Such is life, might as well make the best of it! Halo 3/NHL 08/Any other online game anyone?