So without further ado, here are a few select highlights of the night: (Warning: some of the following content is NSFW!)
First up, a picture gallery that chronicles some of the events of the evening are available with a click of the pic:
Secondly, we've got Eric serenading a Speakers Corner booth with his own personal mashup/remix of a couple of his favorite songs:
Next Up, is Eric playing a game of "Pin the Pasties on the Showgirl":
Next we also have Edmond playing "Pin the Pasties on the Showgirl" or in his case "Find the Pasties on the Floor":
Finally, Carmen shows those two chumps how to properly pin pasties on a showgirl (with a little inadvertant help from some of the boys):
So there you have it! After this Saturday, Eric will always be able to look back at this as the good old days :)
Congratulations and best of luck to the future bride and groom, you'll need it!